When a window is clearly damaged or broken, the urgency to replace it is indisputable. But common issues like draughts, condensation, and damp are often overlooked and pushed to the back of the average home improvement ‘to do’ list. We’re all guilty of it! You may think you’re saving money in the long run but ignoring smaller issues now will simply create more severe problems further down the line.
If you think about it, replacing a couple of windows is going to look a bit out of place alongside a property that’s completely refreshed its exterior with a full house of replacements. So, have you considered replacing all your windows at once? Or even room by room?…

Keep insurance premiums low & home security high
Did you know around 67% of burglars break in through insecure doors and 29% gain access through the window? With this in mind, upgrading your window and door locks doesn’t just boost household security, it works towards lowering your home insurance premiums too.
Make considerable savings in the long run
It’s a fact that the cost of installing a few windows generally works out more expensive compared to a full house of window replacements, simply because labour costs work out significantly higher on smaller jobs than larger refurbishments. So, to get the most value for money you’ll need to replace five or more windows at once. Depending on the size of your home, our team of experts can transform your home in a matter of days.
Save energy & add value
Replacing an entire single-glazed detached house with A+ rated double glazing can save around £110 on your yearly energy bills. You’ll also be pleased to learn that by raising your home’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) from a G rating through to a higher A or B rating can increase property value by as much as 14% too. Considering properties in Wolverhampton had an overall average price of £202,794 over the last year, you could see an increase of £28,391!

The ideal option for aging frames
Are your windows more than 20 years old? If the answer is yes, it’s definitely worth considering replacing them altogether. Getting the hassle out of the way for the next 15-20 years or so, replacing them all in one go keeps your home’s exterior aesthetics consistent, whilst adding essential kerb appeal that’s sure to catch the eye of potential buyers too.
Replace all your windows with Wolverhampton Glass & be the envy of your neighbours
Eliminating unnecessary stress and paperwork, replacing all your windows and doors couldn’t be simpler with Wolverhampton Glass by your side. Give our team of experts a call on 01902 773831, visit our showroom, or contact us online to discuss your options in greater detail.